Monday, May 30, 2016

Bike Month Begins - City Shares Awesome Staff Profiles

Today marks the start of Bike Month!

Mayor Tory rode a Bike Share to City Hall to celebrate Bike to Work Day and officially kick of Bike Month.  Our Mayor and our Chief Planner!

How was the turnout?  Check out Yonge Street!!

Meanwhile the City of Toronto's Planning department unleashed a series of tweet profiling staff who ride to work and why it's amazing.  Cool!

Hope you all have a great Bike Month!

Monday, May 2, 2016

Small victories: button on Lower Don Trail relocated

Photo: Chris Thompson
If you've ridden along the Lower Don Trail at the Don Roadway recently, you may have noticed a small but significant change. The button to activate the crossing signal on the west side of the Don Roadway, which used to be behind a fence on the north side (the least convenient side for eastbound travellers), has been moved to the south side, where it is much easier to access.

Hopefully, in the future we can change the signal phasing so that pedestrians and cyclists don't have to wait so long in this location. There's lot of other potential cycling improvements that we're working towards in this area. But for now, this is a small but welcome change. Thanks to staff at the City and in Councillor Fletcher's office for their help with this issue.