Monday, December 15, 2014

21 Don Roadway Walk-about - Leg #7: LDRT/Don Roadway Boulevard

Leg #7
Don Roadway Boulevard (Lever buildings, looking east)

This is Leg #7 of a preliminary walk of the 21 Don Roadway site. This leg (brown line) traveled from the CineSpace driveway down to the LDRT, west along the Trail to the Don Roadway; and then north on Don Roadway to the ramp for northbound DVP; and then onto the boulevard to the east of the Don Roadway and north up to the fence surrounding a disused roadway which travels under the railway bridge - northwest extent of the First Gulf site.

A list of the blogs about each of the 10 Legs of this walk-about are available below, or at the link, (and on the map - see drop-down menu icon, top-left on the map):

Ward 30 Bikes | A Map: 21 Don Roadway Walk-about - December 6, 2014 |

This series of photographs documents the view of the site from the boulevard to the west of the site beside the Don Roadway and the on-ramp for northbound DVP. Later I present images of the view of the highways and the river from this vantage point. Lastly I note a manhole cover on the boulevard, and ask if it might be a barrier to a Multi-use path north-south next to the Don Roadway.

Looking east at the north boundary road of the site

Lever Plant Panorama

The view of the western boundary of the site from the boulevard next to the Don Roadway and the DVP northbound ramp.

Panorama 1

Panorama 2

Panorama 3

Panorama 4

Panorama 5

Don Roadway Boulevard (relationship to the Highways)

Don Roadway Boulevard (relationship to the River)

Don Roadway Boulevard (manhole - a systems barrier to a Trail?)

Manhole in context

Close-up of the manhole

List of Blog posts for each Leg of the walk-about:

Leg #1: 21 Don Roadway Walk-about - Leg #1: Railway Service Road |

Leg #2: 21 Don Roadway Walk-about - Leg #2: Radio Tower Service Road |

Leg #3 and Leg #4: 21 Don Roadway Walk-about - Leg #3 & #4: Transportation Services Yard |

Leg #5: 21 Don Roadway Walk-about - Leg #5: Booth Ave Google Bike Route |

Leg #6: 21 Don Roadway Walk-about - Leg #6: CineSpace Lot

Leg #7: 21 Don Roadway Walk-about - Leg #7: LDRT/Don Roadway Boulevard |

Leg #8: 21 Don Roadway Walk-about - Leg #8: Don River Canal Wall |

Leg #9: 21 Don Roadway Walk-about - Leg #9: Don Roadway / LDT |

Leg #10: 21 Don Roadway Walk-about - Leg #10: Lake Shore Boulevard Bridge |


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